On saturday the hyderabad court had extended Ramalinga Raju's 'stay' at Chanchalguda Central jail and also upgraded him to special status. What a disgrace? Reading such a news along with the news of Madoff getting his 150 years term for the 65B fraud, is really irritating. What we are having here in india, in the name of autonomy of states is just enabling the states (Andra Pradhesh in this case) to sponsor financial crimes. Now its just helping its old friend Raju with a special status, a luxury in the Jail. All the ruling parties in AP in the past were taking perks from Raju and allowing him to indulge in what is later realized india's top financial fraud.
I have no wonder why maoists and naxals still exist in India.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
the carribean challenge
Recent times were all happy moments for the indian ODI team, the run started at australia, where the much sensitive indians were tested to the core by discriminations in umpiring, as a result, they bounced back, but not only the aussies, but the entire cricketing fraternity didn't think that was just a start of a run of becoming the world beaters. They won the ODI searies against aussies in australia then it was all successfull moments for them, the lankans, british, kiwis all surrendered to these mighty men, though they were not great in t20 format, lost with kiwis and almost everone in t20 world cup, the ODI team looks to be still the strongest in the world. They reached the carribean as a handicapped team having some great guns like viru, sachin and zak missing the squad. They proved they are still in control in ODI format of the game in the first ODI. Having said that, in the 2nd ODI the home team had something to prove, and they did, its the carribean bowling attack in their home soil, where every other nation seem to stumble and fumble, the windies sunk the top and middle order of indian batsmen and restricted them to 188 and chased it clinically. Now, both the teams having proven to be on par for the challenge of the series victory, the tour is getting interesting. To win this series and come back home, is very important for the indian cricket team, as they prove to the world they are still the world beaters in ODI format. Let see who is winning the war.
Bandra-Worly Sea Link - Too little too late
The much hyped bandra worly sea link by HCC is opened by sonia, a free way beyond commom man's reach (toll charges are too much), connects to edges of Mumbai suburbs without entering in to Mumbai. India is too late in planning the transportation infrastructure, when the other asian countries are far ahead, we are just celebrating a single bridge. The first ever national freeway started 10 years back is still to be finished, we are way behind the developing nations who are much better in panning their infrastructure development and thus enabling a greater economical perspective.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Maldives - First to Suffer global warming
Maldives a beautiful destination for tourists. Beautiful beaches, good food and nice hospitality makes one comfortable here. Recent times the people of Maldives are worried about a geological report given to them says in next 50 years their lands would be underwater due to the increasing sea levels as a effect of global warming.
This news left them with sleepless nights. This nation is going to be the first directly suffering due to global warming although what the have contributed for global warming is almost nothing. It is moral responsibility of countries like America, china who are contributing more for the global warming now to help this nation. They are looking for buying land to migrate and live. This gonna come to every nation only the time its gonna take differs.
This news left them with sleepless nights. This nation is going to be the first directly suffering due to global warming although what the have contributed for global warming is almost nothing. It is moral responsibility of countries like America, china who are contributing more for the global warming now to help this nation. They are looking for buying land to migrate and live. This gonna come to every nation only the time its gonna take differs.
I need more from a helmet
I prefer riding my bike to office than car, for more that one reason.. time, fuel and for the joy of riding the bike. One of the discomfors of riding in the city is inhaling deadly gases from vehicles, many of them are non-compliant to emissions (esp govt buses). I was wondering how to avoid this, then decided to get off the roads and ride through the streets, it works for me in a great deal,but in few jucntions where I cannot avoid getting in to a busy road, and have to inhale those deadly gases. I always wanted to avoid this, I was thinking how gud it would be if I wear a oxygen mask. but it would be great if we have one integerated with the helmet. :). You can refill the oxygen required for 45mins in your helmet and enjoy your drive, wow. If this helmet is equiped with reciving calls on behalf your mobile and play some songs, thats all you would need to put away all your discomforts of riding a bike and make it a pleasant one.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Tears - this time not by music
Micheal Jackson - a name that sizzles every corner of the world, he was a legend the energy he brought to pop music world is simple fantastic. One can assurly say he has done justice to music. He was a man very different, very complex and very innovative. He seemed to be not in great peace while he was with us, but now surely he is. Jackson is a symbol of human culture.
Lets salute him for what he has done to the world of music.
Lets salute him for what he has done to the world of music.
Starting a blog that I wanted to read everyday myself
Let it be a lazy start of a week, or after a heavy lunch in a mid of a week, or when too lazy to leave for home... I always wanted to read a blog... a blog that is interesting, talks different things, and to be surprised with the top story of the day, a blog where my comments are replied / appreciated / argued.... I didnt find one suited exactly to my need... and I thought it could be an opportunity to start one so that the many like me can have a good time reading, discussing different things here...
The thought process was to have a hetrogenious category of posts that interests your reading everyday... we at desiknights bring you posts on current affairs, politics, innovations and ideas, science, environment and entertainment.... so desiknights would be a place for you to spend your boring 15 mins everyday and participate actively as well... we at desiknights dedicated to answer all your comments instantly and keep you updated...
Lets start, have fun
The thought process was to have a hetrogenious category of posts that interests your reading everyday... we at desiknights bring you posts on current affairs, politics, innovations and ideas, science, environment and entertainment.... so desiknights would be a place for you to spend your boring 15 mins everyday and participate actively as well... we at desiknights dedicated to answer all your comments instantly and keep you updated...
Lets start, have fun
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