Thursday, July 2, 2009

Is IPC 377 inhuman?

The indian gay fraternity is crying out loud to reach the ears of the law makers on a change amendment on IPC 377 which classifies them as criminals. This sections enables a cop to arrest a pair of males for having consensual sexual relationship. Now, before getting in to the legitmacy of the act withing our constitution, we need to talk a lot about homosexuals let it be gays or lesbos. Sex though defined as physical relationship it normally holds a complex metaphysical scope involving more of mind than body. If sex had been simply a bodily thing I think homosexuality would not have emerged. These men and women happened to dislike (in the first place) sexuality with the opposite sex, and at the same time grow the interests to indulge in with the same sex. Blame it on harmons, blame it on delusions of childhood, blame it on adult misguidance, the MIND of these men and women have come to a conclusion that the like the same sex and dislike the opposite one... but having said that, we do have a contradictory practice in sexuality among homosexuals, where in a pair one dresses, behaves as the opposite sex and the other as the same... which boils down to the natural instinct as well. Hence, it is evident that they are confused with their sexual desire.

Now, getting back to the IPC 377, I feel this act itself is against the constitution. Most of the acts are kept inline with the british laws otherthan those went straight agains the constitution which was defined independantly. Homosexuality was seen as a sin by church, the british had derived it as a law (1860 by Lord Macaulay ), and we just kept it as it is. Evidently this law is against the constitution itself.. as I write this the same vertict has been pronounced by the Delhi high court aswell... :)

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